
Model API

All models use the same methods for fitting, prediction, and saving., predictors[, …]) Estimate the parameters of a model
Model.predict([to_predict, predictors]) Make predictions
Model.score([metric, doy_observed, …]) Evaluate a prediction given observed doy values
Model.save_params(filename[, overwrite]) Save the parameters for a model
Model.get_params() Get the fitted parameters

Primary Models

ThermalTime([parameters]) Thermal Time Model
Alternating([parameters]) Alternating model.
Uniforc([parameters]) Uniforc model
Unichill([parameters]) Unichill two-phase model.
Linear([parameters]) Linear Regression Model
MSB([parameters]) Macroscale Species-specific Budburst model.
Sequential([parameters]) The sequential model
M1([parameters]) The Thermal Time Model with a daylength correction.
FallCooling([parameters]) Fall senesence model
Naive([parameters]) A naive model of the spatially interpolated mean

Ensemble Models

Ensemble(core_models) Fit an ensemble of different models.
BootstrapModel([core_model, num_bootstraps, …]) Fit a model using bootstrapping of the data.
WeightedEnsemble(core_models) Fit an ensemble of many models with associated weights