
Model selection via AIC

This will fit the vaccinium budburst data to 3 different models, and choose the best performing one via AIC

from pyPhenology import utils
import numpy as np

models_to_test = ['ThermalTime','Alternating','Linear']

observations, predictors = utils.load_test_data(name='vaccinium',

observations_test = observations[0:10]
observations_train = observations[10:]

# AIC based off mean sum of squares
def aic(obs, pred, n_param):
    return len(obs) * np.log(np.mean((obs - pred)**2)) + 2*(n_param + 1)

best_base_model = None
best_base_model_name = None

for model_name in models_to_test:
    Model = utils.load_model(model_name)
    model = Model()
    model.fit(observations_train, predictors, optimizer_params='practical')
    model_aic = aic(obs = observations_test.doy.values,
                    pred = model.predict(observations_test,
                    n_param = len(model.get_params()))
    if model_aic < best_aic:
        best_model = model
        best_model_name = model_name
        best_aic = model_aic
    print('model {m} got an aic of {a}'.format(m=model_name,a=model_aic))
print('Best model: {m}'.format(m=best_model_name))
print('Best model paramters:')


model ThermalTime got an aic of 55.51000634199631
model Alternating got an aic of 60.45760650906022
model Linear got an aic of 64.01178179718035
Best model: ThermalTime
Best model paramters:
{'t1': 90.018369435585129, 'T': 2.7067432485899765, 'F': 181.66471096956883}

RMSE Evaluation

This will calculate the root mean square error (RMSE) on 2 species, each with a budburst and flower phenophase, using 2 models. Both are Thermal Time models with a start date of 1 (Jan. 1), and the temperature threshold is 0 for one and 5 for the other.

from pyPhenology import utils, models
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

datasets_to_use = ['vaccinium','aspen']
phenophases_to_use = ['budburst','flowers']


# Two Thermal Time models with fixed start day of Jan 1, and 
# with different fixed temperature thresholds.
# Each getting variation using 50 bootstraps.
bootstrapped_tt_model_1 = models.BootstrapModel(core_model=models.ThermalTime,

bootstrapped_tt_model_2 = models.BootstrapModel(core_model=models.ThermalTime,

models_to_fit = {'TT Temp 0':bootstrapped_tt_model_1,
                 'TT Temp 5':bootstrapped_tt_model_2}

results = pd.DataFrame()

for dataset in datasets_to_use:
    for phenophase in phenophases_to_use:
        observations, predictors = utils.load_test_data(name=dataset,
        # Setup 20% train test split using pandas methods
        observations_test = observations.sample(frac=0.2,
        observations_train = observations[~observations.index.isin(observations_test.index)]
        observed_doy = observations_test.doy.values
        for model_name, model in models_to_fit.items():
            model.fit(observations_train, predictors, optimizer_params='practical')
            # Using aggregation='none' in BoostrapModel predict
            # returns results for all bootstrapped models in an
            # (num_bootstraps, n_samples) array. This will calculate
            # the RMSE of each model and var variation around that. 
            predicted_doy = model.predict(observations_test, predictors, aggregation='none')

            rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean( (predicted_doy - observed_doy)**2, axis=1))
            results_this_set = pd.DataFrame()
            results_this_set['rmse'] = rmse
            results_this_set['dataset'] = dataset
            results_this_set['phenophase'] = phenophase
            results_this_set['model'] = model_name

            results = results.append(results_this_set, ignore_index=True)

from plotnine import *

(ggplot(results, aes(x='model', y='rmse')) + 
     geom_boxplot() + 
     facet_grid('dataset~phenophase', scales='free_y'))