
class pyPhenology.models.Sequential(parameters={})[source]

The sequential model

This uses a triangular response for chilling, and growing degree days for forcing.

t0 : int
The doy which chilling accumulation beings
c_t_min: int | float
Triangular response parameter. The minimum temperature where chilling accumulates.
c_t_opt: int | float
Triangular response parameter. The optimum temperature where chilling accumulates.
c_t_max: int | float
Triangular response parameter. The maximum temperature where chilling accumulates.
C : int | float
Total chilling units required.
f_t : int | float
The threshold above which warming forcing accumulates
F : int, > 0
The total forcing units required

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__([parameters]) Initialize self.
fit(observations, predictors[, …]) Estimate the parameters of a model
get_params() Get the fitted parameters
predict([to_predict, predictors]) Make predictions
save_params(filename[, overwrite]) Save the parameters for a model
score([metric, doy_observed, to_predict, …]) Evaluate a prediction given observed doy values