Source code for pyPhenology.utils

import pandas as pd
import pkg_resources
from . import models
from warnings import warn

[docs]def load_test_data(name='vaccinium', phenophase='all'): """Pre-loaded phenology data Datasets are available with the package. They include multiple phenophases and associated daily mean temperature data derived from the PRISM climate dataset. Without any arguments it will return the vaccinium dataset for both phenophases. Available datasets: 'vaccinium' Vaccinium corymbosum phenology from Harvard Forest Both flowers (phenophase 501) and budburst (phenophase 371) 'aspen' Populus tremuloides (aspen) phenology from the National Phenology Dataset. Has flowers (phenophase 501), budburst (phenophase 371), and colored leaves for fall senesence (phenophase 498) Parameters: name : str, optional Name of the test dataset phenophase : str | int, optional Name of the phenophase. Either 'budburst','flowers', 'colored_leaves', or 'all'. Or the phenophase id (371 or 501, or 498) Returns: obs, temp : tuple Pandas dataframes of phenology observations and associated temperatures. """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('Unknown name type. Expected str, got ' + type(name)) if name == 'vaccinium': obs_file = 'data/vaccinium_obs.csv' temp_file = 'data/vaccinium_temperature.csv' elif name == 'aspen': obs_file = 'data/aspen_obs.csv' temp_file = 'data/aspen_temperature.csv.gz' else: raise ValueError('Uknown dataset name: ' + str(name)) if isinstance(phenophase, int): if phenophase not in [371, 501, 498]: raise ValueError('uknown phenophase: ' + str(phenophase)) phenophase_ids = [phenophase] elif isinstance(phenophase, str): if phenophase == 'budburst': phenophase_ids = [371] elif phenophase == 'flowers': phenophase_ids = [501] elif phenophase == 'colored_leaves': phenophase_ids = [498] elif phenophase == 'all': phenophase_ids = [371, 501, 498] else: raise ValueError('unknown phenophase: ' + phenophase) else: raise TypeError('unknown phenophase type. Expected str or int, got ' + str(type(phenophase))) obs_file = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, obs_file) temp_file = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, temp_file) obs = pd.read_csv(obs_file) temp = pd.read_csv(temp_file) obs = obs[obs.phenophase.isin(phenophase_ids)] if len(obs) == 0: raise RuntimeError('Phenophase {p} not available for dataset {d}'.format(p=phenophase,d=name)) return obs, temp
[docs]def load_model(name): """Load a model via a string Options are ``['ThermalTime','Uniforc','Unichill','Alternating','MSB', 'Sequential','Linear','M1','FallCooling','Naive']`` """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('name must be string, got' + type(name)) if name == 'ThermalTime': return models.ThermalTime elif name == 'Uniforc': return models.Uniforc elif name == 'Unichill': return models.Unichill elif name == 'Alternating': return models.Alternating elif name == 'MSB': return models.MSB elif name == 'Sequential': return models.Sequential elif name == 'Linear': return models.Linear elif name == 'M1': return models.M1 elif name == 'FallCooling': return models.FallCooling elif name == 'Naive': return models.Naive else: raise ValueError('Unknown model name: ' + name)
def load_model_parameters(model_info): # Load a model from a model_info dictionary # These ensemble methods have their own code for loading saved files if model_info['model_name'] == 'BootstrapModel': model = models.BootstrapModel(parameters=model_info) elif model_info['model_name'] == 'WeightedEnsemble': model = models.WeightedEnsemble(core_models=model_info) elif model_info['model_name'] == 'Ensemble': model = models.Ensemble(core_models=model_info) else: # For all other ones just need to pass the parameters Model = load_model(model_info['model_name']) model = Model(parameters=model_info['parameters']) return model
[docs]def load_saved_model(filename): """Load a previously saved model file Returns the model object with parameters preloaded. """ if not isinstance(filename, str): raise TypeError('filename must be string, got' + type(filename)) model_info = models.utils.misc.read_saved_model(filename) return(load_model_parameters(model_info))
def check_data(observations, predictors, drop_missing=True, for_prediction=False): """Make sure observation and predictors data.frames are valid before submitting them to models. If observations are missing predictors data, optionally return a dataframe with those observations dropped. """ original_obs_columns = observations.columns.values predictors_pivoted = predictors.pivot_table(index=['site_id', 'year'], columns='doy', values='temperature').reset_index() # This first and last day of temperature data can causes NA issues because # of leap years.If thats the case try dropping them first_doy_has_na = predictors_pivoted.iloc[:, 2].isna().any() # first day will always be col 2 if first_doy_has_na: first_doy_column = predictors_pivoted.columns[2] predictors_pivoted.drop(first_doy_column, axis=1, inplace=True) warn("""Dropped temperature data for doy {d} due to missing data. Most likely from leap year mismatch""".format(d=first_doy_column)) last_doy_index = predictors_pivoted.shape[1] - 1 last_doy_has_na = predictors_pivoted.iloc[:, last_doy_index].isna().any() if last_doy_has_na: last_doy_column = predictors_pivoted.columns[-1] predictors_pivoted.drop(last_doy_column, axis=1, inplace=True) warn("""Dropped temperature data for doy {d} due to missing data. Most likely from leap year mismatch""".format(d=last_doy_column)) observations_with_temp = observations.merge(predictors_pivoted, on=['site_id', 'year'], how='left') original_sample_size = len(observations_with_temp) rows_with_missing_data = observations_with_temp.isnull().any(axis=1) missing_info = observations_with_temp[['site_id', 'year']][rows_with_missing_data].drop_duplicates() print(len(missing_info)) if len(missing_info) > 0 and drop_missing: observations_with_temp.dropna(axis=0, inplace=True) n_dropped = original_sample_size - len(observations_with_temp) print('Dropped {n0} of {n1} observations because of missing data'.format(n0=n_dropped, n1=original_sample_size)) print('\n Missing data from: \n' + str(missing_info)) return observations_with_temp[original_obs_columns], predictors elif len(missing_info) > 0: print('Missing predictors values detected') print('\n Missing data from: \n' + str(missing_info)) return observations, predictors else: return observations, predictors