Source code for pyPhenology.models.chuine_models

from . import utils
from .base import BaseModel

[docs]class Uniforc(BaseModel): """Uniforc model Single phase forcing model using a sigmoid function for forcing units. Event happens on :math:`DOY` when the following is met: .. math:: \sum_{t=t_{1}}^{DOY}R_{f}(T_{i})\geq F^{*} where: .. math:: R_{f}(T_{i}) = \\frac{1}{1 + e^{b(T_{i}-c)}} Parameters: t1 : int | :math:`t_{1}` - The DOY which forcing accumulating beings | default : (-67,298) F : int, > 0 | :math:`F^{*}` - The total forcing units required | default : (0,200) b : int, < 0 | :math:`b` - Sigmoid function parameter | default : (-20,0) c : int | :math:`c` - Sigmoid function parameter | default (-50,50) Notes: Chuine, I. (2000). A Unified Model for Budburst of Trees. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 207(3), 337–347. """
[docs] def __init__(self, parameters={}): BaseModel.__init__(self) self.all_required_parameters = {'t1': (-67, 298), 'F': (0, 200), 'b': (-20, 0), 'c': (-50, 50)} self._organize_parameters(parameters) self._required_data = {'predictor_columns': ['site_id', 'year', 'doy', 'temperature'], 'predictors': ['temperature', 'doy_series']}
def _apply_model(self, temperature, doy_series, t1, F, b, c): temperature = utils.transforms.sigmoid2(temperature, b=b, c=c) # Only accumulate forcing after t1 temperature[doy_series < t1] = 0 accumulateed_forcing = utils.transforms.forcing_accumulator(temperature) return utils.transforms.doy_estimator(forcing=accumulateed_forcing, doy_series=doy_series, threshold=F)
[docs]class Unichill(BaseModel): """Unichill two-phase model. Two phase forcing model using a sigmoid function for forcing and chilling units. TODO: unichill equation Parameters: t0 : int | The DOY which chilling accumulating beings | default : (-67,298) C : int, > 0 | The total chilling units required | default : (0,300) F : int, > 0 | The total forcing units required | default : (0,200) b_f : int, < 0 | Sigmoid function parameter for forcing | default : (-20,0) c_f : int | Sigmoid function parameter for forcing | default : (-50,50) a_c : int, > 0 | Sigmoid function parameter for chilling | default : (0,20) b_c : int | Sigmoid function parameter for chilling | default : (-20,20) c_c : int | Sigmoid function parameter for chilling | default : (-50,50) Notes: Chuine, I. (2000). A Unified Model for Budburst of Trees. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 207(3), 337–347. """
[docs] def __init__(self, parameters={}): BaseModel.__init__(self) self.all_required_parameters = {'t0': (-67, 298), 'C': (0, 300), 'F': (0, 200), 'b_f': (-20, 0), 'c_f': (-50, 50), 'a_c': (0, 20), 'b_c': (-20, 20), 'c_c': (-50, 50)} self._organize_parameters(parameters) self._required_data = {'predictor_columns': ['site_id', 'year', 'doy', 'temperature'], 'predictors': ['temperature', 'doy_series']}
def _apply_model(self, temperature, doy_series, t0, C, F, b_f, c_f, a_c, b_c, c_c): if len(temperature.shape) > 2: raise NotImplementedError('Unichill model currently only supports 2d temperature arrays') temp_chilling = temperature.copy() temp_forcing = temperature.copy() temp_forcing = utils.transforms.sigmoid2(temp_forcing, b=b_f, c=c_f) temp_chilling = utils.transforms.sigmoid3(temp_chilling, a=a_c, b=b_c, c=c_c) # Only accumulate chilling after t0 temp_chilling[doy_series < t0] = 0 # forcing (heat) accumulation starts once chilling requirement (C) # has been met chill_requirement_not_met = utils.transforms.forcing_accumulator(temp_chilling) < C temp_forcing[chill_requirement_not_met] = 0 accumulated_forcing = utils.transforms.forcing_accumulator(temp_forcing) return utils.transforms.doy_estimator(forcing=accumulated_forcing, doy_series=doy_series, threshold=F)